Christina’s World

By Bridget Quinn

Bleak horizon in the distance
Oyster colored clouds gathering from North and South
Removing all hope of a pleasant afternoon
As the sun scurries away

Lazing in the warmth of the sun’s rays
Finding solace in nature
Escaping the prison cell of my room
All gone in the blink of an eye

Winds blow across the field
Making a loose tendril of my hair
Flutter away from me
As my short, blush sleeves ruffle in sync

A sea of beige waves
Once in a lush green carpet
Dances soulfully across the meadow
Quietly sighing with each breeze

The aging farmhouse and barn
With their chipping paint and sagging roof tiles
Look majestic from this distance
And now, so very welcoming on this ever-darkening day

But will I ever reach their sanctuary?
Can my feeble legs support me enough
To rise from the tide of barley
And run like a gazelle to freedom?

Without anyone around to help me 
Without braces or cane or chair
My chance of that resemble 
The horizon I long to reach

Bridget Quinn – I am a senior Vocal Performance Major. I have had a love of music, performance, and literature since a very early age. I attended the United Nations International School, and studied Higher Level English and Higher Level Theater as part of my International Baccalaureate diploma program. While in high school, I was a member of the Creative Writing Club. I am the recipient of the 2023 Wagner College Academic Excellence Award in Music; the Lila T. Barbes Wagner College Guild Scholarship; and the Dean’s Academic Scholarship in Music. During my Sophomore year my research paper, titled “The Renaissance, the Vatican, and the Music of Palestrina” was published in the Wagner College Forum of Undergraduate Research, Fall 2022, Vol. 21, no. 1. I am currently a member of the Wagner College Choir, the Secretary of OUTWagner, and a DJ on WCBG.